
Jan 10, 2013

Redbox New Movie Release - The Bourne Legacy

A fast paced film that fills in the details surrounding the Bourne Trilogy

The Bourne Legacy is available at most redbox locations beginning January 8th 2013

cover bourne legacy dvd
Bourne Legacy Cover
The Bourne Legacy intertwines with the third Jason Bourne movie, 'Bourne Ultimatum', with several events from the third movie occurring during the fourth. 

The star of the movie, Jeremy Renner, plays Aaron Cross, a member of a DoD program called Operation Outcome with a number of similarities to the CIA's Treadstone and Black Briar programs, but with many improvements. Among the improvements are medical advancements that make the agents physically and mentally more capable. 

Jeremy Renner
Jeremy Renner
The movie fits in heart pounding fight scenes, incredible motorcycle chases, and everything else one would expect from a Bourne movie. All the while shedding more light on Jason Bourne and the black ops programs various government agencies are keen to keep away from the public eye. 

Redbox Movie Info's Assessment  Great movie with plenty of top actors and entertainment. For those who enjoyed the previous Bourne movies, and like action films.

View our Redbox Promo Code Page to rent this movie for free!

The Bourne Legacy is Rated PG-13 and is available on DVD and Blu-ray.

Starring Jeremy Renner, Rachel Weisz, Edward Norton, Stacy Keach, Dennis Boutsikaris

Run time: 2 hours 15 minutes.

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